Beki’s story is a lot longer and more remarkable than just this last year but I didn’t meet her until Summer 2018. I am however very glad I did. She arrived at one of my circuit classes (possibly roped into it by a friend) and became a regular. Shortly after we began doing some personal training (pairs) with her friend and this is when the transformation began.
Looking back over the last few months the three of us have had so much fun, worked incredibly hard and the results absolutely speak for themselves. I think the solid Abs are more down to the amount of laughing we did than sit-ups. Beki is one of my favourite people and she continues to inspire me every day.
This is Beki’s latest instalment of being a super-hero in her words……..
Summer 2018 and I was putting on weight, eating as a national sport, lacking all motivation to exercise, and was depressed, anxious and rather miserable with my self-esteem low and declining daily.
Then a friend dragged me along to a new circuits class and I met Iain at the Hit My Goal studio.
8 weeks later i’d signed up for personal training in the hope of reversing my decline, but when asked what I wanted to achieve I wasn’t really able to say, and was adamant I didn’t want to run, or do anything spectacular – i just wanted to feel a bit better.
30 weeks later and what a transformation!
So much SASS! And a much reduced Ass
Most importantly I now have the confidence of a four year old in a batman t-shirt and have laughed all the way there!
I love myself. I love what I can do! I feel strong, happy, healthy and sassy!
I have also dropped 2 dress sizes, can run up mountains! Yes mountains! And actually enjoy it! I can paddle my kayak for hours and walk up and down thousands of feet of hills for hours enjoying the views, and barely break a sweat or be out of breath. I’m even happy and confident swimming in a bikini in public! And to top it all, it’s been real, actual, belly laughing fun getting there – what more could you want?

If you want to have a laugh, feel great and love yourself, without having to crash diet, or torture yourself, get in touch with Iain at Hit My Goal